
GERD/ Acid Reflux

in Hyderabad

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What is GERD/Acid Reflux?

When there is a hindrance in the process of digestion and the food contents in your stomach travel back to the esophagus instead of the small intestines, it leads to Acid Reflux. This condition is also known as heartburn or acid indigestion.

What are the symptoms of GERD?

Some symptoms of GERD are:

  • Issues while swallowing
  • Vomiting
  • Halitosis
  • Chest pain

How is GERD Diagnosed?

GERD is graded based on its severity. If the condition is moderate to severe, then the patient’s response to acid suppression is checked, and the pH of the esophagus is monitored.

If the condition is severe and the patient experiences alarming symptoms such as weight loss, anemia, dysphagia, iron deficiency, and others, it might be necessary to run some additional tests.

Listed below are some of the diagnostic procedures run to identify the cause of GERD.

Empiric PPI Therapy

This therapy is done with the help of an H2 receptor antagonist for about eight weeks and when there is no improvement in the symptoms, then PPI is given to reduce the amount of acid in the lining of one’s stomach. This prevents ulcers from forming and helps with healing the stomach.

XRay of the Upper Digestive System

An x-ray of the upper digestive system needs to be taken to detect ulcers or gastric reflux that is narrowing the upper GI tract.  Before taking the x-ray, the patient would be asked to swallow barium pills or drink a chalky liquid that enables the doctor to clearly see a lining on the digestive tract.

Upper Endoscopy

When a patient experiences alarming symptoms and the PPI fails, there is a risk of Barrett’s esophagus. This condition thickens the esophagus and makes it red.

Therefore, to make sure this is not the case, the doctor pushes one tube with a light and a camera to check the esophagus and stomach. If the esophagus is inflamed, it can easily be detected.

Ambulatory pH Monitoring

Adopting this method of diagnosis helps measure esophageal acid exposure and reflux episodes in patients who suffer from consistent symptoms of GERD.

This test is performed using a thin tube, also known as a catheter. That being said, it is done to check the duration of stomach acid regurgitation for 24 to 48 hours.

How To Treat GERD?

Based on the severity, GERD can be treated through lifestyle changes, medications, or surgery.

Right Medication

Acid suppression through medicines is considered effective for treating GERD. Some of the recommended medicines are antacids, H2blockers, prokinetics, and PPIs.

Antacids – Antacids are known to stop acid reflux by forming a foam barrier on the stomach. However, it should not be overtaken as it causes side effects.

H2Blockers – H2blockers are considered best to treat severe heartburns and chronic reflux. This medicine is effective because it blocks acids in the stomach and heals the esophagus.

Prokinetics – This medicine not only makes the acids disappear from your stomach but it reduces symptoms such as nausea and bloating. Besides, it is recommended for only a few patients.

PPIs – PPIs are used for treating ulcers, stomach discomfort, and heartburns. This medicine is considered effective compared to H2 blockers as it involves healing the esophageal lining.

Surgical Treatment

Surgical treatment is yet another option for patients with severe GERD. Despite taking high doses of PPIs and medications, if the condition persists, the following surgeries are recommended.

Fundoplication – The doctor tightens the top of the stomach at the end of the esophagus, adding pressure to the lower esophageal sphincter to prevent reflux.

Stretta Procedure – In this surgical treatment, the LES is reshaped with the help of a small tube pushed down the esophagus.

LINX Surgery – By wrapping magnetic beads, food is let to pass through that point where the patient’s stomach and esophagus meet.

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