
Pancreatic Pseudocysts

in Hyderabad

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What are Pancreatic Pseudocysts?

A pancreatic pseudocyst is a group of tissue and fluids that develops on your pancreas. Your pancreas is a gland that is located behind the stomach.

Pseudocysts are most commonly caused by a forceful hit to the abdomen or pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas.

The word “pseudo” denotes “false.” A pseudocyst resembles a cyst but is composed of different tissues than a true cyst. A true cyst is much more likely to be malignant than a pseudocyst.

A pancreatic pseudocyst is usually not hazardous unless there is a rupture. A ruptured pancreatic pseudocyst can be fatal. Make sure to see your doctor if you have any following symptoms:

  • High, continuous fever
  • Sudden fainting
  • Vomiting blood
  • Weak, rapid heartbeat
  • Severe pain in your upper abdomen with back pain

Pay closer attention to these signs if you or anyone in your family have had pancreatitis.

What are the causes of Pancreatic Pseudocysts?

Pseudocyst develops when pancreatic cells become irritated or damaged, causing pancreatic enzymes to leak. It’s this leakage that harms the pancreatic tissues.

Pancreatic pseudocysts can occur after an occurrence of sudden (acute) pancreatitis. Those with chronic pancreatitis can also get pseudocysts and may also have to deal with long-term pancreas inflammation.

Gallstones and alcohol consumption are two big causes of pancreatitis. Other causes include:

  • Any injury in the pancreas
  • Infection in the Pancreas
  • Pancreatic tumor
  • High calcium levels in your blood
  • Very high levels of cholesterol
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Damage to the pancreas from medicines
  • Hereditary conditions that harm the pancreas include cystic fibrosis.

What are the signs and symptoms of Pancreatic Pseudocysts?

Here are some of the symptoms of pancreatic pseudocysts.

  • Stomach pain and back pain
  • Fever
  • Swollen stomach
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • An abdominal mass detected on physical exam

Severe pancreatitis can also cause low blood pressure as well as dehydration. It can also cause other complications that can trigger further symptoms.

At times, you may not at all feel any symptoms. The pseudocyst may show up only after scanning your stomach for any other reason.

How are Pancreatic Pseudocysts diagnosed?

Your doctor will learn more about your symptoms and go through your medical history. They will also perform a physical exam on you, with a focus on your abdomen.

Your healthcare practitioner may conduct tests to detect pancreatitis. These may include the following:

  • Blood tests – to check for elevated amounts of pancreatic enzymes.
  • Tests for other elements such as sodium, potassium, and glucose
  • Tests to determine what is causing pancreatitis, including tests for cholesterol
  • Imaging tests including abdominal ultrasound or a CT scan

Your doctor will rule out other possible reasons for your symptoms. They will examine you for ulcers, gallbladder inflammation, and pancreatic cancer.

A CT scan or an MRI scan can confirm the presence of a pseudocyst. Your doctor may also conduct an endoscopy ultrasound.

If the doctor is still uncertain, he will collect a sample of the fluid from your cyst. A long, thin needle and imaging guidance are used in this examination. Your doctor will determine if you have a pseudocyst rather than a true pancreatic cyst (which could be cancerous) or an abscess.

What is Pancreatic Pseudocysts treatment?

Treatment is usually split into two stages. You will receive treatment for both pancreatitis and the pseudocyst. The following medications may be required to treat pancreatitis:

  • Rest
  • IV fluids
  • Painkillers
  • Medicines to prevent vomiting

You may also need nasogastric feedings where the nutrition is available in liquid form. A long, thin tube is put through your nose directed to your stomach. 

At times, the tube is placed in the small intestine called nasoenteral feeding. This is done if the pancreatitis is severe.

Treatment for the pancreatic pseudocyst may differ. Mostly many pseudocysts go away with supportive care under proper scrutiny by your health practitioner.

If the pseudocyst is large and hasn’t reduced over time, your medical provider will treat it by draining the pseudocyst. In some cases, surgery may be needed.

How to prevent a pancreatic pseudocyst?

Pseudocyst occurs due to pancreatitis. Hence preventing pancreatitis is the best approach to avoid cyst formation. If you drink alcohol regularly, consider quitting and find treatment.

Follow a low-carbohydrate, low-cholesterol diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to reduce the triglycerides level and lower the chances of a pseudocyst.


Proper diagnosis and treatment in conjunction with proper lifestyle can reduce recurrence or occurrence of pancreatic pseudocyst. See a doctor if you notice any pancreatitis symptoms.

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