
Sleeve Gastrectomy

in Hyderabad

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What is Sleeve Gastrectomy?

Sleeve gastrectomy is known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy. It is a surgical weight-loss procedure that is done laparoscopically. Small incisions are made in the upper abdomen where small instruments are inserted to remove 80% of the stomach with only a tube-like stomach that resembles a banana. This will restrict the amount of food you consume.

Sleeve gastrectomy is done mainly to help you lose weight and reduce any risk of potentially life-threatening weight-related conditions such as:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Infertility

Sleeve gastrectomy is conducted only if you have tried weight loss with diet and exercise. Surgery is the option if:

  • Your BMI is more than 40 (i.e., extreme obesity)
  • Your BMI is 35-39.9 (obesity) and
  • You have serious health issues due to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea.

How is Sleeve Gastrectomy performed?

Weeks before your surgery, you will be put in a physical activity program. You will have restrictions on eating, drinking, and medications you must take.

Sleeve gastrectomy can be done in the conventional method or through laparoscopy. It all comes down to the situation at hand as to how critical your weight is, health condition, etc. Based on these factors, the surgeon will recommend the best surgical method.

Traditional surgery will involve making a big incision in the abdomen. But in laparoscopy surgery, the surgeon will make small incisions through which small instruments are passed down to perform the surgery.

You will be given general anesthesia before the surgery. Once the surgery is done, the surgeon will staple the stomach using medical tools. The surgery will take 1-2 hours.

Benefits of sleeve gastrectomy

Here are some of the advantages of sleeve gastrectomy.

  • Retention of the stomach function as the nerves and the outlet valve of the stomach are not changed
  • Minimal risk of having vitamin and mineral deficiency as the food you eat passes through the usual digestive tract
  • Weight loss of more than 50% of excess body weight

Moreover, the laparoscopic approach for sleeve gastrectomy offers other advantages as well. For instance:

  • Less pain and reduced painkillers
  • Less risk of wound infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to daily activities

Post-surgery care

After sleeve gastrectomy, you will need to follow sugar-free, non-carbonated beverages for the first seven days. Then you will need to have pureed foods for three weeks and then normal food after approximately four weeks after the surgery.

You will also need to follow up with your doctor and monitor your health for the first few months after weight-loss surgery. Weight gain can happen if you don’t follow recommended lifestyle changes. Even though you have successfully

undergone surgery, you need to follow permanent healthy changes in your diet and lifestyle, which include physical activity and exercise.

Consult your medical practitioner if you are unable to lose weight due to any health condition.

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